studio news

Paintings of Lorient and Gustavia Port on View at Clic Saint Barth, 2025

I am thrilled to announce the exhibition of my Saint Barth Series at Clic St. Barth. In 2021, I visited a friend’s home in Lorient. Profoundly effected by the magical atmosphere of Saint Barth, I created my Saint Barth Series. I began this series by painting watercolor studies, recording shapes and colored light. On display are my original watercolors, which became springboards to my full bodied sensory experience, inspiring the large-scale oil paintings also on view.

Hours: M - Sat.: 10 AM - 1 PM, 3:30 - 7 PM (Closed Sundays) Tel +590 590 29 70 17,
"It's Time to Slow Down," June 2o - August 13, 2024

Visionary Projects is thrilled to announce the opening of its newest exhibition. It’s Time To Slow Down, in partnership with Anderson Contemporary. This seven-week exhibition will open on Thursday, June 2Oth within the unique public green space of 180 maiden Lane, in the heart of the Financial District. The gallery is featuring 42 artists emphasizing the importance of mindful interaction in today’s fast-paced world.

Hours: M - Sat., 8am - 10pm; Sun, 10am-7pm Tel 917.575.5972 ​
Panel: "The New Era of Collecting II," Thursday, June 27, 2024, 6 - 7 PM
American Art Collector
July 2023, pages 94-95

“Special thanks to Meg Daly for the lovely article she wrote about my painting.  She  captured my process of sensory memories, integrating life experience, open ended discovery, and ‘speaking’ with paint. “


Happy New Year!

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year, full of fun adv3entures!


"Sailing Lesson Windy," 66 x 82 inches., oil on canvas, East End Arts, DETOUR IV
May 28 - August 27, 2023
11 West Main Street, Riverhead, NY Thursdays 12 - 5, Fridays 2 - 7, Saturdays 12 - 5, and Sundays 11 - 3

“Leaning against an umbrella to block the gusting wind. Anchoring my paper so it wouldn’t blow into the bay, I loaded my brushes and painted shapes of shadows and light.  Wind in my ears, spray of whitecaps and damp salt air, sensations that found their way into my watercolor study. I had captured a seed of this dynamic experience. I painted a series of large oils from this small study.”

Artist's Talk, "Making Paint Speak," on July 22 at noon, East End Arts 11 West Main Street Gallery, Riverhead. (631) 727-0900
Beach Series on display in Connecticut through July 30th, 2023
Guards Resting, 36 x 36 in., oil on canvas by Margery Gosnell-Qua

“The show includes an array of summer paintings – beachgoers, sunbathers, and sailing. Set on Long Island, New York, the scenes are exuberant, brimming with relaxation and play.”

-Meg Daly
American Art Collector, July 2023, p. 94

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